Jewelry is an excellent choice for a gift for a special woman in your life. This article can guide you to just the right piece.
Steer clear of ammonia, bleach or other strong chemical solvents when you need to clean these items. These chemicals can turn stones dull and even erode the enamel.
Do not use harsh chemicals such as ammonia, bleach, turpentine or acetone to clean them. You can turn your stones this way and it will eat away the enamel on the pieces.
Don’t keep your jewelry in open air or someplace with a lot of humidity. Keep them stored safely in a closed, dark area, like a jewelry box or drawstring bag. Air and humidity can cause the metals that the jewelry are made of to tarnish. Precious metals, through some work and polish, can be restored to their original condition. Non-precious metals are coated, which means that polishing will allow copper metal to come through.
Sterling Silver
Make sure a piece of jewelry is still in style before you buy it. The only thing that beats getting a new piece of jewelry is getting it for a discounted price!
A magnet is a useful tool when shopping for jewelry in sterling silver. Metals that aren’t precious will connect to the magnet, signaling that it is fake. There should be a stamp hallmarked that says something like .925 sterling or ster, on sterling silver If the piece that you are looking at is not hallmarked, this is usually the sign that it is a fake.
Ask about any insurance a jeweler may offer when you are buying jewelry. Then, if something actually happens to the jewelry, you can return it or have it repaired. In some cases, insurance policies will cover lost, misplaced or stolen pieces.
When you purchase jewelry, you are investing in an item that will last a lifetime. When choosing jewelry, you should always buy from a reputable store or dealer, in order to ensure you only get high-quality pieces. If a piece of jewelry is of high quality, it should be made well and exhibit top-flight craftsmanship. The jeweler must be able to provide a history of the piece. This will tell you who made the piece, and where the components came from. This way, you can ensure you are paying a fair price. A quality item of jewelry will last a lifetime or more, so take the time to do your research.
As a collector of costume jewelry, you should investigate the condition of the pieces that you want to add to your collection Costume jewelry can prove to be a good investment, but worn, broken, or otherwise damaged pieces are not worth the expense. Investing in quality means that you can enjoy the jewelry for many years to come.
Costume Jewelry
Going through a day wearing the jewelry will let you get familiar with how it hangs and whether or not it will be comfortable. This can also help you see whether the piece is durable enough to last.
If you are wanting to collect costume jewelry, you should ensure you are aware of its condition. Costume jewelry, while expensive, can be a great investment. However, if a piece shows wear it will lose value. Compare pieces for quality, because good ones stay high or even grow in value over time.
Think carefully about what stones you want in your jewelry. Choose stones that have a reflection on your personality and that also complement the color of your skin. Colors should be neutral so that they go with most of your outfits. If it isn’t a functional piece, you will not use it and it is pointless to purchase it.
If your “giftee” is a unique person, try finding a special piece that is crafted specifically for them. A unique piece to match their personality shows thoughtfulness and creativity, which is exactly what you want to express to a person you care enough about to buy jewelry for.
Know how to keep your jewelry beautiful. The variety of stones, metals and assorted settings will determine the ways in which you care for them. What works for a certain kind of stone may not work for another. It’s best to speak with a jeweler before you attempt to care of an unfamiliar piece of jewelry.
One key thing to remember is to only put your jewelry on after you’ve applied your makeup. Jewelry can become dirty and dull if you put it on too early, this is because incomplete makeup routines will transfer grime to it. In particular, this hint is aimed towards your necklaces and earrings.
Doing this will not only accentuate your waist, it will also act as the accent piece for your outfit. You have the option of placing it close to your hip, or at your waist near the center.
Determine whether or not your stone received a treatment, and what kind, prior to purchasing it. The various treatments that gems are given means that they need to be cared for differently. Cleaning a treated gem using the wrong chemical might damage it.
Find out if your gemstone was treated before you buy it and if it was, how it was treated. Depending on the type of treatment used, the piece will require varying types of care. You don’t want to clean them with a type of solution that could strip the treatment or damage the gem.
Jewelry sets are a great gift item to consider. Many jewelry stores offer deals on sets of jewelry. You can separate pieces of the set and gift a piece to your loved one every holiday season. This practice will ensure that you have appealing gifts planned out for a long time in the future.
Have a use in mind for every piece of jewelry you buy. There is no point continually buying jewelry if you never wear it. Take a look in your closet and consider what outfits your jewelry will accessorize.
It is crucial that all bracelets and necklaces have good clasps. It is extremely easy to lose your valuable chains, pendants and stones with jewelry that has a flimsy clasp. It is a wise idea to add a safety clasp to any expensive pieces of jewelry to avoid having them slip off accidentally. With the most expensive items of jewelry, some people will use two or three clasps for extra security.
It is important to visit different jewelers and examine multiple pieces when shopping for diamond jewelry. Every diamond is unique and has its own flaws. Once you get to see the flaw up close, you may find that it doesn’t matter to you. A jeweler will individually price the diamond based on a multitude of factors, any flaws being one of them. If you are working on a budget, shop around to find a diamond that suits both your preferences and your wallet.
The high price of gold could cause you to pass up a piece of jewelry you really want. You can have gold pieces at a lower price by buying gold that contains fewer karats. An 18 karat piece is comprised of no less than 75 percent of pure gold, which is generally considered by many to be the most optimal combination of quality and price.
Using robe hooks will help to stop necklaces from becoming tangled. Attach this hardware to the inside of your closet door or on your bedroom wall, and hang groups of necklaces according to length or color. This can make your bedroom look more stylish and help you select the best necklace for your outfit.
You have plenty of options when it comes to buying, giving, selling, and caring for jewelry. You need not let the wealth of different opportunities overwhelm you! Apply these tips next time you wish to give something meaningful to your wife, girlfriend or mother.
Jewelry is definitely not an item that you want to restrict yourself based on brand name. Very few people will recognize where you got this piece, and if a seller can have you buy something because of the brand, you are probably paying too much for it. There are a number of different brands that manufacture high-quality jewelry.