Jewels have been used as adornments for centuries, and the possible and available designs are endless. The tips below can be used to begin picking out great jewelry that you’re proud to wear.
If you are in the market to buy some silver jewelry, don’t forget to take a magnet along with you. You can detect fake sterling silver with the magnet, since non-precious metals are drawn to magnets. Sterling silver will always be hallmarked with a stamp such as .925, ster. or sterling. Silver jewelry that lacks a hallmark may be a fake or composed of other metals.
Quality Piece
Every piece of jewelry should last you a life-time. When choosing your next piece of jewelry, be sure to deal with a reputable dealer to ensure you attain a high-quality piece. Quality jewelry will be constructed to last, and show a fine attention to detail. Your jeweler should have all the information on the piece, including where it came from and who created it. You’ll create an heirloom tomorrow if you choose high-quality jewelry today.
Quality jewelry should stay beautiful forever. When choosing your next piece of jewelry, be sure to deal with a reputable dealer to ensure you attain a high-quality piece. A high-quality piece of jewelry should be well-made and show superior craftsmanship. A credible jeweler should offer a complete history of the piece, including information about the creator and the source of the gemstones. Take your time when selecting a high-quality piece if you want it to last you for a long time.
Keep your jewelry pieces looking beautiful by protecting them from tarnish. Try to keep your jewelry away from water. Metals will often tarnish or rust when in contact with water. To protect your jewelry from exposure, apply a single coat of clear nail lacquer to its surface.
Do they prefer to wear over-sized pieces or more delicate styles? Yellow gold or silver? This is a great place to start when picking out that special item.
If you like to collect costume jewelry pieces, become very choosy about each piece’s condition. If you do not maintain the piece, it will depreciate in value. A piece that is in excellent condition will increase in value.
Before buying a new item of jewelry, do a little research on recent trends. One of the few things that can enhance the appeal of a lovely piece of jewelry is knowing that it came at a great discount!
Wear the jewelry around for a day or so to be sure that it fits right and is comfortable. It will also allow you to see if it can withstand every day wear and tear.
If you wish to keep a piece of jewelry looking fantastic, preventing it from tarnishing is important. Don’t take your jewelry into the water, regardless of whether you are showering or hitting the beach. Metals will often tarnish or rust when in contact with water. To give jewelry an added layer of protection apply a thin layer of clear nail lacquer.
When shopping for jewelry, think about the stones in the pieces. Choose a stone that goes well with your skin tone or the kind of clothes you wear and reflects your personality. Think about how the stones will work with your style, and pick neutral colors that go with everything in your wardrobe. Don’t even bother to buy something that doesn’t function properly.
Costume Jewelry
Before buying jewelry or a fine stone, find out if it was treated in any way. If it was, find out how. There are several different types of treatment, and each one needs it’s own type of care. You don’t want to clean them with a type of solution that could strip the treatment or damage the gem.
You should ensure the quality of the pieces of costume jewelry that you purchase for your collection. Many costume pieces are a great investment and can be quite costly, but costume jewelry that has too many signs of wear will not keep their value over time. You’ll get more return on your investment later if you buy costume jewelry in good condition.
Do not buy a piece of jewelery if you are not sure when you are going to wear it. You want to ensure that you purchase a piece of jewelry that you will actually wear. Think of the outfits that you own, and use those to help you choose your jewelry.
For a special and personalized gift, have a jewelry piece custom made for your recipient. This will express the time you spent to get their gift just right, just the kind of sentiment you want to show your special friends.
When selling a piece of jewelry online, you should aim to present the piece in an attractive manner. This is extremely important because the potential buyer can not handle the item that is being sold. Avoid taking photographs of jewelery with backgrounds that distract from the piece.
If you have tangled necklaces, you can untangle them with ease. Before giving up on a tangled knotted mass of precious metal, source some plastic wrap. Place the knotted necklace on the plastic wrap and coat it with baby oil. It is possible to untangle very snarled necklaces with a needle. Wash them using dish soap, and then pat dry them.
When you are looking to buy someone a gift, you may consider getting a jewelry set. Most jewelers offer special deals on jewelry when it is bought in sets, rather than each piece individually. Split the set for a loved one for every upcoming holiday. It is an awesome way to be sure that the gift that you give them on the following occasions is something that they will love.
This rule applies to dry saunas as well as steam ones. Many pieces can be seriously damaged by extreme temperatures and moisture levels.
Take your jewelry off before you go swimming. Chlorine in pools will damage your pieces causing them to lose their luster. The cumulative effects of salt water can affect jewelery just as badly. Taking it off before you swim will protect your jewelry and keep it looking beautiful for years to come.
Strong Clasp
You can earn a little cash from your solid gold necklaces and bracelet without selling them. Remove a small amount from the overall length while retaining enough for the piece to still hang properly. The excess you trimmed can then be sold. With several chains of real gold, you can earn a good bit of cash, even a couple hundred dollars, just by shaving a few inches off of your jewelry.
Keep your jewelry in place with a strong clasp or closure. Weak clasps can cause the loss of expensive pendants, chains and stones. For very expensive items, like diamond necklaces or gold bracelets, a strong clasp is essential. Actually, some people opt for an additional clasp on more expensive pieces.
If you are a jewelery artist that is looking for a way to display your art at the craft fair, this is where you need to look! While shopping for beads, stones and other jewelry findings, try to visualize a creative display fixture. You can use every day items to display your jewelery, like boxes, mirrors, etc.
Don’t swim while wearing your jewelry. Your jewelry’s luster and life can be damaged from the chlorine that is present in the pool water. Salt water can also degrade jewelry. Lengthen the jewelry’s life, and ensure it keeps its beauty by removing any precious items before entering the pool.
It is hard to determine whether a sapphire or a ruby is natural or synthetic. The artificial rubies and sapphires are chemically the same as the real thing. They cost only a fraction of what the real things cost for suppliers, though. Make sure that you have a professional and reputable gemologist examine any natural sapphire you are thinking of purchasing.
Don’t buy jewelry just because of its brand. There are probably not going to be many people that recognize that the piece is anything special due to the brand, and you are likely going to pay far too much money for it. Quality jewelry can be found across a variety of brands.
Wearing both gold and silver jewelry at the same time has become trendy. To do this, have one piece that has both metals in it. You might look mismatched if you do not have this element.
Make heads turn with unique crystal or onyx pieces. It is certainly possible to spend less and come out with a piece of jewelry that is absolutely remarkable.
Do your best to stick to your budget when purchasing jewelry. Buying a piece of jewelery you cannot afford is not good for your personal finances. When just starting out, a young couple might be better served getting a cheaper ring. Once they have established themselves financially, they may choose to update the piece to increase its value.
Many people forget about the beautiful stone Alexandrite. The color changes range from green to purple, dependent on whether you are inside or out. It can be made into rings, earrings, and pendants with any precious metal.
Surprise your loved one with a piece of jewelry, reminding them of your love. Every woman loves receiving an unexpected gift of jewelry. Not only that, you get to see her beam with joy as she opens up that cute little box you gave her as a surprise.
Know your jewelry budget before you shop. Accumulating large sums of debt for an expensive ring is an extremely poor financial choice. Usually younger couples would like to start out with a less expensive ring at first. Then, later in life, when they are more financially secure, they can splurge on a fancy ring.
If you wish to sell fine jewelry, try seeing a master gemologist and/or a certified appraiser. This will ensure that you get an honest quote, and you can use the information to help you know what offers are good and which are not when selling.
Surprise your loved one with a piece of jewelry, reminding them of your love. A beautiful jewelry surprise is sure to delight any woman. You can also enjoy seeing her eyes widen, and her surprised and excited face when you give her that adorable little box.
If your dream wedding band is not in the budget, consider buying smaller and upgrading later. Other special occasions, such as anniversaries or birthdays, are a great opportunity to buy the ring you couldn’t afford earlier. Some jewelers provide buy-back programs where your ring can be traded for a larger one.
If you like your necklaces from when you were younger, but don’t want to look dated, try mixing them with other, newer necklaces. Give yourself a layered look. Add a solitary pendant to a grouping of other necklaces that are done in the same tone or style.
While there are better ways to clean your jewelry, this will do the trick when you are in a bind. Take a soft, lint-free cloth or a paper towel, and dab a small amount of toothpaste on it. Rub the toothpaste on the jewelry for a bit, and then use water to rinse or wipe the toothpaste off. Your piece will not look brand new, but you should still notice an improvement.
Purchasing pre-owned jewelry can save you a great deal of money. Most of the time, these pieces of jewelry can be as good as the brand new pieces, and they’re usually much cheaper. Therefore, you’ll get much more out of the money you spend.
You should take good care of your hands and keep them attractive if you enjoy wearing rings. Keep your nails trimmed and buffed, treat your hands to a manicure occasionally, and allow them to perfectly frame the jewelry pieces that you are wearing.
When choosing jewelry to complement an outfit, consider what your purpose for it will be. Are you going to emphasize the jewelry or the outfit? Do you want to focus people’s eyes on the jewelry, or have it simply accentuate what you are wearing?
If you wear a diamonds on a day to day basis, have them cleaned at least two times every year, try doing this every six months, even when they are new. A professional jewelry cleaner will not only clean your diamond pieces, but will also be able to inform you of any damage.
Fortified with the preceding tips, you will be a little bit better equipped to handle making jewelry decisions. Reading jewelry tips like those shared here can help you feel more confident in your selections.
Buying a really good piece of a jewelry is a long-term investment. Keep your standards high and exercise patience if you want to find that perfect necklace, bracelet, or ring that you are going to cherish forever.